
To use EveResource in a project:

import eve_resource

Example Resource

eve_resource.Resource is the main class to use for a resource

import eve_resource

persons = eve_resource.Resource(
    'persons',  # resource name, to register with the app.
    keys=('first_name', 'last_name')  # keys for resource fields.

def schema(key):
    # You can optionally use the key to avoid typo's for your schema
    return {
        key.first_name: {
            'type': 'string',
            'required': True
        key.last_name: {
            'type': 'string',
            'required': True

def definition():
    # we do not need to declare a schema property, our above
    # schema will be added by default, however if you do declare
    # a schema inside the definition, then the resource's schema will
    # not be used.
    return {
        'item_title': 'person',
        'public_methods': ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE']

# persons.hooks has two categories (mongo, and requests)
# For convenienc  you can register an event hook using a valid alias, which
# is Eve's event hook without 'on_' prefix.  You can also use the
# valid Eve event hook name.
# Example: 'on_inserted' and 'inserted' are the same.
#          'post_GET' and 'on_post_GET' are the same

@persons.hooks.mongo('insert', 'replaced', 'updated')
def lower_strings(items, originals=None):
    # lower case the first and last name before saving to the
    # database.
    # See Eve docs on Event hooks for valid signatures.
    # We check that the resource matches before calling an
    # event, so the wrapped function should not include the
    # resource name in it's function signature.
    for item in items:
        first_name = item.get('first_name')
        if first_name:
            item['first_name'] = first_name.lower()

        last_name = item.get('last_name')
        if last_name:
            item['last_name'] = last_name.lower()

def pre_get(request, lookup):

    # lowercase first and last name, if they are in the lookup.

    first_name = lookup.get('first_name')
    if first_name:
        lookup['first_name'] = first_name.lower()

        last_name = lookup.get('last_name')
        if last_name:
            lookup['last_name'] = last_name.lower()

from eve import Eve

from .persons import persons

app = Eve(settings={'DOMAIN': {}})

# add the resource to the app DOMAIN and register hooks with
# the app.

if __name__ == '__main__':