Source code for eve_resource.hooks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Any, Optional, Iterable

from eve import Eve

from .event import Event, request_event, mongo_event, EventFuncType

# from .exceptions import NotCallable
# from .utils import callable_or_error # , mongo_aliases, request_aliases

[docs]class EventHooks(object): """An :class:`Event` container that holds events for a domain resource. :param resource: The domain resource :param EventType: The :class:`Event` class or function for the events of this class. """ def __init__(self, resource: str, EventType=Event) -> None: self.EventType = EventType self.resource = resource = [] def _make_and_append(self, event: str, func: EventFuncType) -> None: """Creates a new event and appends to events.""" self.EventType(event, self.resource, func) )
[docs] def event(self, event: Any, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None ) -> Optional[EventFuncType]: """Add's an event to the instance. :param event: A string or instance of :attr:`EventType`. :param func: A callable to register, only used if ``event`` is a string, that we use to create an instance of :attr:`EventType` """ def inner(func: EventFuncType) -> EventFuncType: self._make_and_append(event, func) return func if isinstance(event, str): return inner if func is None else inner(func) if isinstance(event, self.EventType): if event.resource != self.resource: raise ValueError('event resource does not match.') return raise TypeError('{} should be string or {}'.format( event, self.EventType.__name__) )
[docs] def multi_event(self, *events, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None ) -> Optional[EventFuncType]: """Register's the same function for multiple events. Can be used as a decorator. :param events: Iterable of strings that are the api events to register the function with. :param func: The function to use for the api hook event. """ def inner(func: EventFuncType) -> EventFuncType: for event in events: self.event(event, func) return func return inner(func) if func is not None else inner
[docs] def init_api(self, api: Eve) -> None: """Register all event's with an :class:`eve.Eve` instance. :param api: An :class:`eve.Eve` instance :raises TypeError: If api is not an :class:`eve.Eve` instance """ if not isinstance(api, Eve): raise TypeError(api) for event in self: event.register(api)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Any]: return iter( def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{n}('{r}', EventType={e})".format( n=self.__class__.__name__, r=self.resource, e=self.EventType ) def __call__(self, *events, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None) -> Any: """Calls the appropriate :meth:`event` or :meth:`multi_event` with the given parameters. Can be used as a decorator. :param events: A single event string or multiple event strings. If the lenght is 1, then we call :meth:`event` else we call :meth:`multi_event`. :param func: The function to add as the event. """ def inner(func: EventFuncType): if len(events) == 1: return self.event(events[0], func=func) return self.multi_event(*events, func=func) return inner(func) if func is not None else inner
[docs]def mongo_hooks(resource: str) -> EventHooks: """Returns a :class:`EventHooks` set-up for mongo events. """ return EventHooks(resource, mongo_event)
[docs]def request_hooks(resource: str) -> EventHooks: """Returns a :class:`EventHooks` set-up for request events. """ return EventHooks(resource, request_event)
[docs]class Hooks(object): """Container object that holds :class:`EventHooks` for mongo and request events. :param resource: The domain resource the hooks are for. """ def __init__(self, resource: str) -> None: self.resource = resource self._mongo = None self._request = None @property def mongo(self) -> EventHooks: """A :class:`EventHooks` setup for mongo type events that can be registered with an :class:`eve.Eve` api. """ if self._mongo is None: self._mongo = mongo_hooks(self.resource) return self._mongo @property def request(self) -> EventHooks: """A :class:`EventHooks` setup for request type events that can be registered with an :class:`eve.Eve` api. """ if self._request is None: self._request = request_hooks(self.resource) return self._request
[docs] def init_api(self, api: Eve) -> None: """Register's the hooks with an :class:`eve.Eve` instance. :param api: A :class:`eve.Eve` :raises TypeError: If ``api`` is not an :class:`eve.Eve` instance """ if not isinstance(api, Eve): raise TypeError(api) self.mongo.init_api(api) self.request.init_api(api)