Source code for eve_resource.event

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, Dict

from eve import Eve

from .utils import callable_or_error, mongo_aliases, request_aliases

from .exceptions import NotCallable

AliasType = Dict[str, str]
EventFuncType = Callable[..., Any]

[docs]class Event(object): """Holds a function to register with an :class:`eve.Eve` instance as an event hook. This class acts as the function, when the :class:`eve.Eve` event hook is fired, we check that the resource matches the :attr:`resource` for this instance and if it does we call the :attr:`func` for this instance. :param event: A string of the :class:`eve.Eve` event to register the function for. This can also be a valid value in :attr:`aliases` :param resource: The :class:`eve.Eve` domain resource the function is for. :param func: A callable that's called as the event hook. :param aliases: A :class:`dict` with keys being strings of valid convenience aliases a user can use to register an event, the value for the key should be the valid :class:`eve.Eve` event. .. seealso: `Eve Event Hooks <>`_ """ def __init__(self, event: str, resource: str, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None, aliases: Optional[AliasType]=None) -> None: self.aliases = aliases self.event = self.parse_event(event) self.resource = resource self.func = callable_or_error(func) if func is not None else None
[docs] def parse_event(self, event: str) -> str: """Parses an event, returning a valid event that can be registered with an ``Eve`` instance. :param event: A string to check if it's valid. If no aliases are set for a class, then this will just return the input event. :raises ValueError: If :attr:`aliases` is not ``None`` and the event is not a valid alias. """ if self.aliases is not None: if event in self.aliases.keys(): return self.aliases[event] elif event in self.aliases.values(): return event else: # make this a better error raise ValueError(event) return event
[docs] def set_func(self, func: EventFuncType) -> EventFuncType: """Set's the func for an instance, can be used as a decorator. :param func: The func to set on the instance. :raises NotCallable: If the func is not callable. """ self.func = callable_or_error(func) return func
[docs] def register(self, app: Eve) -> None: """Register's an instance with an :class:`eve.Eve` instance. :param app: The :class:`eve.Eve` instance to register the event with. """ if not isinstance(app, Eve): raise TypeError(app) attr = getattr(app, self.event, None) if attr is not None: attr += self
# else raise Error def __call__(self, resource, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Call the :attr:`func` if the resource matches. """ if resource == self.resource: try: return callable_or_error(self.func)(*args, **kwargs) except NotCallable: pass def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "{n}('{e}', '{r}', func={f}, aliases={a})".format( n=self.__class__.__name__, e=self.event, r=self.resource, f=self.func, a=self.aliases ) )
[docs]def mongo_event(event: str, resource: str, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None ) -> Event: """A function to return an :class:`Event` with aliases set-up for mongo events. The following aliases can be used for mongo events:: +----------+--------------+ | Alias | Eve Event | +==========+==============+ | insert | on_insert | +----------+--------------+ | inserted | on_inserted | +----------+--------------+ | fetch | on_fetch | +----------+--------------+ | fetched | on_fetched | +----------+--------------+ | replace | on_replace | +----------+--------------+ | replaced | on_replaced | +----------+--------------+ | update | on_update | +----------+--------------+ | updated | on_updated | +----------+--------------+ | delete | on_deleted | +----------+--------------+ """ return Event(event, resource, func, mongo_aliases())
[docs]def request_event(event: str, resource: str, func: Optional[EventFuncType]=None ) -> Event: """A function to return an :class:`Event` with aliases set-up for request events. The following aliases can be used for request events:: +--------------+-----------------+ | Alias | Eve Event | +==============+=================+ | pre_GET | on_pre_GET | +--------------+-----------------+ | post_GET | on_post_GET | +--------------+-----------------+ | pre_PUT | on_pre_PUT | +--------------+-----------------+ | post_PUT | on_post_PUT | +--------------+-----------------+ | pre_PATCH | on_pre_PATCH | +--------------+-----------------+ | post_PATCH | on_post_PATCH | +--------------+-----------------+ | pre_POST | on_pre_POST | +--------------+-----------------+ | post_POST | on_post_POST | +--------------+-----------------+ | pre_DELETE | on_pre_DELETE | +--------------+-----------------+ | post_DELETE | on_post_DELETE | +--------------+-----------------+ """ return Event(event, resource, func, request_aliases())